A poem created in response to a writing group prompt.
The following poem was created in response to a writing prompt distributed to the participants of the Sunrise Scribe weekly writing group hosted by my soul sister Fisiwe Zwana held every Tuesday and Friday at 7:15 am.
Prompt: They say the only way out is through…
They say the only way out is through
Through the thing that brings the pain
Pain I’ve carried far too long inside
Inside mind, body, and soul holding me back
Back from being all I can be
Be true to my authentic self, living a life
Life that feels stymied by fear
Fear of success, fear of failure, pick your poison
Poison that could kill me, a fate
Fate worse than death by slowly living
Living a life that’s built upon a foundation
Foundation of lies becoming acceptable
Acceptable as time continues passing
Passing by like lost opportunities
Opportunities not seized, just ignored
Ignored by things taken for granted
Granted this is the time
Time to go through this moment
Moment of uncertainty and change
Change that could only lead to better
Better than remaining trapped forever
Forever inside a mediocre cycle
Cycle that I can’t afford to repeat or take
Take that first step into the uncharted
Uncharted territory into darkness
Darkness to discover light.