
A free verse poem in response to a weekly writing prompt.

Bill Holmes
Jan 20, 2024
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

This poem was written in response to Chelsea Marie’s Poetry Writing Prompts — Week Three under The Storyteller’s Vault.


Unresolved anger
from bittersweet yesterdays
shadowed my heart
throughout my life’s journey
eclipsing any promise or hope
for happiness and healing
that not even celestial intervention
could help from the power of prayer
until I could recognize
the pitfalls and the hazards
to continue living this way
manifesting itself in the form of
a troubled mind lacking focus during daylight
a restless body unable to sleep at nighttime
an evil spirit constantly seeking revenge
against others and sometimes self
struggling to maintain his peace
before breaking down into pieces
by mastering self-control
after declaring enough was enough.

Copyright © 2024 by Bill Holmes.
All rights reserved.



Bill Holmes

Writer. Poet. ESSENCE Best Selling Author. Filmmaker. Personal development aficiando who lives and breathes the mantra "I will not be denied!"